Gnothi seauton is an ancient Greek aphorism (Greek: γνῶθι σεαυτόν), which means “know yourself”. 

Naked, as if crushed between 2 mirrors but with his gaze looking at the Light. This work is once again a symbol of hope. Not a symbol of hope based on blind, dogmatic and amorphous faith.

Man energetically rejects the two mirrors that surround him; he could so easily capitulate and fall into the ease of the outside world. But his quest for freedom is stronger than anything and even if he sometimes feels weak, he will never stop striving for the Light by working on the only thing he can change, himself.

Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods
Model - Julien
Cenote Chukum - Yucatan - Mexico
Sony AI - Lens Sony G 16/35 f2.8

Open water - Natural light / No air assistance or after effect
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